A Platform for Hindu community to connect for Cultural, Religious and Community activities
Regd. UK Charity No: 1169707
Guidelines for Stall Owners, Terms and Conditions
A maximum of 15 stalls to be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis
Some stall ideas
Chat Stall - Samosa Chat, Pani Puri, Dahi Bhallae, Bhel Puri
Food Stalls - Pav Bhaji, Missal Pav, Idli / Dosa
Dessert Stall – Ice Cream / Cakes and Pudding
Drinks Stall – Fresh Fruits, Tea & Coffee, Water
Games Stall
Advertise your own Home Business or Brand
Face Painting
Please be specific to what you wish to sell. We are moderating to ensure no two stalls are selling the same product or service.
Please price your products to make it affordable to you and prospective customers.
Fee / Donation to SHCA
Selling Product or Service at the event = 10% of sales or £25 whichever is lower
Own Brand / Home Business promotion = £25 or more as you wish.
To help with the flow of cash, only SHCA provided money-coupons will be used in the mela.
The following denominations will be available - £0.50, £1.0, £2.0 and £5.0. We therefore request you not to price your product for 0.25 or 0.75
Interested people will buy money coupons using cash / credit or debit card, and at the end of the event, stall owners can exchange the coupons for cash to their bank.
Important: If you are setting up food stall
We are going plastic-free at SHCA. If you are setting up a food stall, please ensure plastic-free / biodegradable tableware is used at your stalls
Please have a poster to show the ingredients used in your product, and warn the customers to check with you for food-allergies.
If you wish to advertise your stall with some posters, you are welcome to do so. We can make a colourful A3 size poster for you £5 donation per poster.